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Comparing Car and Truck Accident Liability Cases

Not all kinds of vehicle accidents and resulting liability cases are created equal, and one of the simplest examples here is a comparison between car and truck accidents. There are many ways that car and truck accidents can vary, from the scope and size of damage to the kinds of resulting actions that take place.

At the offices of William Rawlings & Associates, we're happy to offer quality personal injury attorney services for any kind of vehicle accident, including car accidents, truck accidents and more. While the specifics of each individual case will obviously vary, let's look at some of the typical differences between car and truck accidents - from vehicle differences to accident scopes, injury and damage types, and more.

Comparing Car and Truck Accident Liability Cases

Size Differences

As you may have already assumed, perhaps the single largest difference between car and truck accidents is the size difference of the vehicles involved. Cars are generally much smaller than trucks, meaning that a truck accident can create much more serious damage and injuries to those involved.

This can trickle down to several other differences between car and truck accidents, such as the scope of the accident, the kinds of damage or injury types that are likely to be involved, and even insurance coverage.

Trucks Are Harder to Operate

When it comes to accident liability, the nature of the vehicle itself can play a role. Trucks are generally more difficult to operate than cars, and this can come into play if negligence is alleged in a truck accident case.

For example, if an inexperienced driver was behind the wheel of a truck at the time of an accident, this fact could be used as evidence that they were negligent or not taking the proper precautions. In other cases, an inexperienced driver may not be aware of the size differences between their vehicle and smaller cars, or other vehicles on the road, which could also come into play.

More Significant Injuries Are Possible

Due to the size and weight difference between cars and trucks, truck accident injuries can be much more serious than those sustained in car accidents. This is especially true when it comes to other vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists being involved in a truck accident. For this reason, liability cases involving truck accidents will often require a higher level of proof to determine negligence on behalf of one party or another.

However, it's important to note that this is not always the case. Car accidents can be extremely serious, and proof of liability can be equally difficult to produce. It's important to consult an experienced attorney no matter the kind of accident you are involved in.

Routine Maintenance and Liability

One area that is sometimes included in accident liability cases is the maintenance of the vehicle itself - and this is another area where car and truck accidents can differ.

Trucks are often subject to severe maintenance requirements, especially if they are used for commercial purposes. Therefore, in a truck accident case, it may be possible to introduce evidence that either the driver or the company failed to meet these requirements - such as regular oil changes or brake inspections - which could have contributed to or caused an accident.

On the other hand, while cars may also require regular maintenance and inspections, these are usually not as stringent - meaning that it's more difficult to argue that a car was negligently maintained in an accident case.

More Parties Possibly at Fault

With most car accident cases, at-fault parties will generally be limited to the drivers of each vehicle. However, with truck accident cases, there are often more parties that could be at fault - such as the owner of the truck, a load carrier or cargo company and other involved parties.

This means that when it comes to assigning blame in a truck accident case, more witnesses may need to be interviewed and evidence must be thoroughly examined to determine the cause of the accident.

At William Rawlings & Associates, our experienced personal injury attorneys are well-versed in a variety of different kinds of vehicle accidents - including those involving cars and trucks. We can help you understand your case, introduce evidence and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for any injuries or damage sustained. Contact us today for help with any car accident or truck accident case, or for any other personal injury attorney need around SLC, Provo, Draper and the rest of Utah.


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