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Whether you walk to work or like strolling through town for exercise or pleasure, you need to know what to if you’re hit by a car.

Walking may be statistically safer than driving, but vehicle-pedestrian accidents happen quite frequently. In Utah alone, there were 774 car crashes involving pedestrians in 2020 – and in roughly 95 percent of these collisions, the people on foot suffered injuries.

Clearly, being a pedestrian isn’t without danger. If you happen to get hit by a car when you’re out walking in Draper or anywhere in northern Utah, here’s how to handle the situation.

Personal injury attorney Draper UT

Report the Accident

Slowly and carefully move to a safe area -- if you’re physically able to do so -- then call 911 to ensure that the police and an ambulance are on the way. You’ll need the responding officer to file an official report, and you may need to take a trip to the emergency room.

Seek Medical Attention

Whether or not you’re experiencing any pain from getting hit by a car, you should get an immediate medical assessment. Adrenaline can mask pain, and you might not even realize you’re injured. If you don’t need an ambulance ride, be sure to see your doctor as soon as possible.

Collect Evidence

While you’re at the accident scene, gather information. Use your phone to take photos of the vehicle that hit you and the surrounding area – including any intersections, crosswalks, skid marks and nearby visual distractions. If you can, photograph your injuries, too.

Liability in Utah Pedestrian Accidents

In many vehicle-pedestrian accidents, the car drivers are liable. All motorists in Utah have a duty to act in a safe manner -- and anyone behind the wheel must remain alert to their surroundings. If driver negligence played a role in your accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

That said, pedestrians in Utah also have the responsibility to follow local traffic laws and exercise caution when out walking. If you were behaving carelessly when you were hit by a car, you may be held liable for the accident and any resulting damages.

For some Utah pedestrian accidents, liability doesn’t lie with the motorist or the person on foot – it lies with the municipality. In cases of faulty traffic lights, poorly placed crosswalks and roadway safety hazards, both drivers and pedestrians may have claims for negligence against the municipality.

Consult with a Utah Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

At William R. Rawlings & Associates, we frequently provide legal assistance to victims in Utah vehicle-pedestrian accidents. If you were hit by a car, you’ll need to make sure that your losses are covered – and with decades of experience, our Utah pedestrian accident attorneys know how to fight for the maximum in compensation.

Put your case in our hands, and we won’t charge you a fee unless we’re able to negotiate a settlement or win an award in court. For more information on the legal services we provide at William R. Rawlings & Associates, or to consult with a highly skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer in Draper, Utah, contact us today.

Insurance adjusters have one goal – to minimize the amount of compensation paid out in personal injury claims. Serving the interests of the insurance company is their job, and the company exists to earn a profit. So, the reality is, an adjuster isn't going to help you. Instead, they'll be looking for ways to tip the sale in favor of their employer.

As former adjusters and attorneys for insurance companies, the legal team at William R. Rawlings & Associates understands the tricks commonly used to keep personal injury claim compensation at a minimum. Here, we share some of the everyday tactics adjusters try to limit company payouts.

How to maximize a personal injury claim

Quickly Make a Low Settlement Offer

Insurance companies often contact personal injury victims right away to offer a settlement. Getting money quickly after an accident can be tempting, and adjusters know that once a settlement is accepted, victims can't negotiate for more money.

Request a Recorded Statement

Sometimes, injuries and pain don't manifest until days after an accident. Knowing this, insurance adjusters ask for a recorded statement early on, using the information to devalue a claim or damage the victim's credibility.

Misrepresent the Available Coverage

The amount of compensation available in a personal injury claim is, in part, dictated by the limits of the insurance policy. However, adjusters aren't always straightforward about the coverage and may try to trick injured victims into settling for a lesser amount.

Encourage Settlement without a Lawyer

Many insurance adjusters lead victims to believe that they have no need of an attorney or say that hiring a lawyer reduces the amount of money a victim will receive. In reality, neither is true – they're just trying to save the company from a big payout.

Discuss Settlements for Similar Claims

Adjusters frequently declare that similar personal injury cases settled for a certain amount of money. More often than not, the amount is insignificant and certainly not a reflection of a claim's true value.

Announce a Final Settlement Offer

Another trick insurance adjusters commonly use is to say that they have no more room to negotiate. Injured victims often don't realize that the company can't make an offer final and that by working with a lawyer they can explore other options.

If you've been hurt in an accident, hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is the best way to protect your rights and maximize your compensation. In Utah, Idaho and California, injured victims in need of legal guidance trust the professional team at William R. Rawlings & Associates.

Don't let yourself get tricked by an insurance adjuster – contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your personal injury claim today.

Whether you’re the driver of a vehicle or a pedestrian, you are responsible for safely and appropriately sharing the road. There are numerous basic laws and regulations in place to assist with this concept, from traffic lights and pedestrian crossing areas to turn signals and simple vehicle warnings.

However, we still see a number of unfortunate pedestrian accidents at the offices of William Rawlings & Associates, LLC, including many where our car accident attorney services are requested by one party or another to help recover damages based on someone else’s negligence. Generally speaking, fault and liability in a pedestrian-vehicle accident can be grouped into three categories: Driver, pedestrian or municipality. Let’s look at examples of each area and how a pedestrian accident you’ve been involved with may shake out.

responsibility vehicle-pedestrian accidents

Examples of Driver Responsibility

In virtually every state in the US, it is the driver’s responsibility to be alert to their surroundings, including everything from potential road hazards to pedestrians (technically pedestrians qualify as road hazards as well). If the pedestrian in question is acting within the law and observing their right to certain areas of the road, and is hit by a vehicle driver, responsibility will usually lie with the driver.

The simplest example here is when a pedestrian is within a legal crosswalk, but it’s not the only one. Even if the pedestrian is elsewhere, for instance, a speeding driver may still be found liable for such an accident. The same goes if the driver ran a red light or otherwise broke the law soon before the incident occurred.

Examples of Pedestrian Responsibility

Pedestrians themselves have responsibilities here too, however, and it’s important not to forget about these if you’re walking near or between busy roadways. If a pedestrian uses a non-crosswalk area in a reckless manner while attempting to cross, and is struck in the process, they may be held liable for both their own damages and any to the vehicle or driver. Pedestrians can’t simply enter the street anywhere and expect moving traffic to stop for them.

Examples of Municipality Responsibility

Finally, there are cases where neither the driver nor the pedestrian in question is responsible. An example of this would be if a traffic light and connected pedestrian signals malfunctions, telling a pedestrian it’s okay to walk despite directing oncoming traffic their way. Similar examples may include concealed or improperly printed stop signs, unsafe crosswalk placement or any other safety hazards based on the way a given roadway or traffic markers are designed. In these cases, both pedestrians and drivers involved in pedestrian accidents may have liability cases against the municipality responsible for such hazards.

For more on who is responsible for a given pedestrian accident, or to learn about any of our personal injury or auto accident attorney services, speak to the staff at the offices of William Rawlings & Associates LLC today.

Whether you like to take a stroll around the neighborhood in the evenings or you walk through a busy downtown area every day for work, most of us are pedestrians on the road at sometime or another. And while we all assume general safety during these situations based on traffic and pedestrian laws and visual assists like signs and crosswalks, the unfortunate fact is that pedestrians are hurt or killed every year in accidents that could have been avoided.

At the offices of William Rawlings & Associates, our personal injury attorneys are here to help if you’ve been injured as a pedestrian in an accident where someone else may be liable. But of course, we’d rather avoid these incidents altogether – here are some tips for staying safe during any periods where you’re a pedestrian, plus to avoid any potential liability if an accident does take place involving you (yes, pedestrians can be partially or fully at fault for accidents if they were not obeying the law).

tips pedestrian road safety

Be Visible

You should make efforts to make yourself visible and easily seen to drivers, especially if you’re walking on busy streets or during the evening or night time. Just like a biker or someone else sharing the road, use lit or reflective clothing at night to make sure you can be seen – some others like to carry a flashlight with them that helps with both visibility and their own personal walking path.

In addition, use the assists already present on roadways to remain visible and obvious. Only cross busy streets at marked intersections and crosswalks, while obeying all walk or stop signs or signals. If you do have to cross an unmarked intersection at night, seek a well-lit area where drivers can see you without any obstructions.

Stay Aware

Be aware of the things you’re doing as a pedestrian on the road. Failure to do this may not only lead to injury, but could cause liability concerns as well. Some areas to consider:

Avoid Dangerous Activities

Finally, you have to avoid certain behaviors at all times while a pedestrian. These include walking on streets instead of marked sidewalks, plus walking facing traffic – this lets drivers see you more easily. Finally, never assume you’re completely safe or that drivers will always obey the law perfectly; take additional precautions in any busy area just to be sure.

For more on staying safe as a pedestrian, or to learn about any of our personal injury or auto accident services if you’re involved in an accident, speak to the staff at the offices of William Rawlings & Associates today.


A verdict was rendered regarding the case of a 15 year old boy who died after being hit by a car at a dangerous crossing while heading for the school bus stop.  The jury awarded the guardian of the boy $20 million for her losses.


The Desert News is reporting the for the first time in 15 years, the number of traffic fatalities in Utah has risen for the third year in a row. Last year, 275 people died on Utah roads. Officials say as many as 94 % of those deaths were preventable.  We all share the same roadway, and we need to find a way to do it safely protecting not just those in vehicles, but pedestrians and bicyclists.


Truck Accident/ Auto Accident/Pedestrian Accident:  Why you need Uninsured Motorist Coverage.

It was recently reported that a man is in the hospital in serious condition after he allegedly stole an SUV and crashed it into a concrete flood control tunnel during a police pursuit.   The thief found the SUV running and unlocked at a convenience store.   Investigators said the owner of the vehicle quickly called police after watching the thief hop in the driver's seat and take off.  Police located the SUV traveling on the freeway a short time later.


A man was killed in a Salt Lake County car accident when a car struck him in the roadway. According to a news report, the fatal pedestrian accident occurred downtown Salt Lake City near Temple square. Officials say the man was crossing the road when a vehicle turned and struck him. He succumbed to his injuries at LDS hospital a few hours later. The driver remained at the scene and it is unclear if the motorist will face charges.


Cars aren't the only things out there being hit by other cars.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were over 34,000 pedestrian fatalities last year in the United States.  As adults, we understand the basics when it comes to safety and walking and crossing our streets.  Our kids, however, can actually be quite vulnerable when they are outside near streets and traffic. They are full of energy, but they also sometimes lack judgment when it comes to walking or riding their bike.

Teaching children basic crosswalk rules and rules of the road are just some of the ways to keep our kids safe.   Safe driving is critical to keeping our communities and our children accident free.  We all have a role to play, whether you own a car, bike or just a good pair of shoes.

Here are 10 ways to help improve child pedestrian safety, whether you’re walking or driving:


Have you or a loved one been involved in a car, truck or pedestrian accident recently?  Do you want to take action but are unsure of what or how to do it?  Here are the answers to a few questions our new clients ask frequently:

Will I ruin the life of the person who hit me if I make a claim?

NO!  You are making a claim AGAINST THEIR INSURANCE COMPANY, not the individual.  The premiums they have been paying all these years protect them and pay for your damages and injuries.  The same would be true if you caused an accident.  YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY WILL PROTECT YOU!


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